HAMSEHoney Ltd
Sheffield, England, United Kingdom
HAMSE is an organization that represents mexican beekeepers who wish to export their high quality single or polyflora honey to overseas markets. We have a wide selection of seasonaly available honey including: Avocado, Coffee, Orange Blossom, Mesquite, Golden Pilosa, Red Gumbo limbo etc. We ship internationally and can be certified to export to almost any country. Mexican honey has always been one of the most desired products by honey experts around the world. The tropical and arid climates in mexico allow for a fantastic range of flora, ranging from flowering meadows to cloud forests at the top of mountain ranges near the sea. Our wide regional coverage means that we can harvesst honey with almost any requirement in terms of humidity and origin. Our herbal flower honeys taste of ancient Aztec remedies while our arboreal honeys allow you to taste the old and strong sappy taste of the trees in the arid zones of Mexico. Take a trip to Mexico and its wildlife with our ample selection of honeys.
BtoTree EXPOs