Energy & Environment Eco Friendly Home & Kitchen Heating, Cooling & Air Quality
Sanjō, Niigata, Japan

Compact Kerosene Fan Heater FH-6003 made in Japan

Convenient and easy-to-use Fan Heater made in Japan. Ignition starts about in 5 seconds after pressing ON/OFF button with 5-second ignition function. With "24 Hour Digital Timer". Since the room air is stirred and mixed by fan, it's superior in quickness of warming. This fan heater includes convenient functions, such as an automatic switch-on timer and a temperature control.

USD$1.00 ~ $1000.00 / Unit
Min Order: 1

home and appliances

Kerosene Fan Heater FH-6003

- Ignition starts about in 5 seconds after pressing ON/OFF button with 5-second ignition function.

- With "24 Hour Digital Timer".

- For indoor use only.

- Our fan heater can heat up a whole room from below because fan blows out warm air.

- Since the room air is stirred and mixed by fan, it's superior in quickness of warming.

- These fan heaters are easy-to-use products which include convenient functions, such as an automatic switch-on timer and a temperature control.

- The surface of unit is not too hot, and the flames also are out of sight. So, it's a safe product.

- Users can easily move and use the heater in any rooms if there is a power socket.

Product Specifications:


- Odor Control System
   ・Soft ignition system
   ・Brake-fan control

- Low Noise During Operation

- Energy Saving Function
   ・Eco (save) mode


by Corona

Business Type

Company Tags
household electrical appliances

Preferred Markets

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